Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 9. Caliente, NV to Provo, UT

If Monady was my best day so far.. Today was the worst. It was already 92 degrees in when I left Caliente in the morning. I headed north on hwy 93. 15 miles south of hwy 6/50, I got stuck in a chip seal project. The Nevada DOT had only 1 lane open and trafic had to follow a pilot car. The drive wasn't bad, but the 20 minute wait on hot, smelly, black oil was. I tried to rest the bike on it's side stand but it sank into the freash road surface. I turned east on hwy 6/50. There, I fought nasty side winds for the next 80 miles. The winds would change direction and instanly change back again. It sucked! I took hwy 6/50 to Delta, UT. Then hwy 132 to Nephi. It started to rain at Nephi and the temps dropped, so I put on the rain gear. I headed north on I-15, the sky was black and it looked as if I was going to be riding in a lot of rain. A few miles later it stopped raining, but the sky stayed black, and the sun never returned. It stayed that way, all the way to Provo. By the time I got there it was 98 degrees, with black skies and no rain. I was still dressed in rain gear. I knew that if I stopped to take off the rain gear, it would pour, and if I left the rain gear on, it would never rain. There's nothing like the feeling of riding in an oven while wearing plastic clothes
I stopped in Provo for the night.

Day 8. Eureka, NV to Caliente, NV

What an awesome day! I got to satisfy my desire for being in the middle of nowhere! There were endless sections of road with NO traffic. High speeds! Warm, but not too hot. Good food.
I left Eureka and took hwy 50 west to Austin. The 6 mile section of road just east of Austin had some super nice twisty parts! I had a really good bacon cheeseburger at the Toiyabe Cafe.
After lunch, I back-tracked a little to hwy 376 and headed south. Another 118 miles of nice road and NO traffic. More high speeds!! I stopped at Tonopah for gas and headed east on hwy 6. I snapped a few pictures along the way. I finally got the picture I was looking to get, the FJR parked across the traffic lane and the road visable in the background. There was NO one around!!
The cut off to the Tonopah Test Range. About 12 miles east of town on hwy 6.

If nowhere has a middle, this is it.

The Little Aleinn

From hwy 6 at Warm Springs, I turned down hwy 375 and stopped in Rachel. I got a few more pics of the bike in front the Little Aleinn, stopped in for a glas of ice water and did a little shopping. I noticed that there were  92-KQRS  (a Mpls/ St. Paul, classic rock, radio station) stickers on the highway sign just south of Rachel.

Also on the mail box that marks the road into "area 51".

I made it as far as Caliente for the day, and had pizza at Pioneer Pizza. I stayed at the same place Nancy and I stayed 2 years ago, the Shady Motel, same room too. I think the day was the best day of my vacation so far!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day 7. Park City, UT to Eureka, NV

After 3 days of fantastic riding in UT, meeting lots of great people, and spending way too much money, I left Park City to head west. I drove through Salt Lake City on I-80 and saw the salt flats, it looked like ice on a lake. The salt area runs along side the hwy for miles.
I turned south on 93A in NV and drove to Ely, then took hwy 50 to Eureka. Hwy 50 is called "the loneliest road in America", but for a road that is supposed to be in the middle of nowhere, there sure was a lot of traffic. I was hoping to find a section of road where I could see for miles, and park the bike across the traffic lanes and get some pictures.
Here are 2 pictures from Eureka Nevada.
The Eureka County Court House...
The Eureka Opera House..

I stopped for the night at the Sundowner Lodge.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Day 4. Park City UT!!

Well, I finally made it to Park City. I took I-80 into UT and 40 into Park City. I-80 from the boarder to 40 is awesome. It seemed like it was down hill all the way. I stopped at the visitor information center near the junction of 80 and 40. It over looks some R/R tacks way down a hill.
There was a big white cross on the top of a hill near the edge of the parking lot. I walked up the path to the top of the hill. On the cross is the name of a Utah State Trooper that was killed in '74. There's a small info plaque on the cross that tells the story.
Once in Park City, I found the Marriott and checked in. I also got my t-shirts and ID badge. They're expecting almost 200 FJR's here. I was watching some of them as they rolled in. They are all the same bike, but all of them are very diffrent.
Park City is an interesting town. I think the planing commision has a lot of control. All the buildings look similar, there are no bright colored signs. Even Pizza Hut's red roof is a muted shade of terra cotta.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Day 3. Douglas WY to Lyman WY

I left Douglas today at 0830. I took 90 west to Casper, and WY-220 to Muddy Gap. Then 287 to Rawlins, I then hammered it across 80 to the Lyman KOA. I got here at 1430.
348 miles in 6 hours, with and hour for lunch in Rawlins at Cappy's. It's nice to have a bike that will go long distances between fill-ups. I still have to get off about every 100 miles to streach. The weather was a nice 80-85 degrees, with only light cross winds. 10 miles from Lyman is started to sprinkle. I was riding into the back side of a passing shower. The road was wet but the rain wasn't falling hard. So far tonight no more rain, but a dark sky. I unpacked and set up the cabin, then went into town for a little snack at Taco Time.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 2. Box Elder SD to Douglas WY

I left Lee and Gabi's at about 0730. I drove into Rapid City and filled my 2 coolers with ice and water. Took 90 to Stugis. I got off the hwy at exit 34 and drove through Sturgis. Then back onto 90 to Spearfish. I took the Spearfish Canyon down to Cheyenne Crossing then 85 to Newcastle WY.

A picture from the SD-WY line.

I took 450 out of Newcastle to 59 to Douglas. There's a huge open pit coal mine along the road, operated by the Thunder Basin Coal Company. I could see the tops of the booms of at least 3 huge drag lines or shovels sticking out above of the pits. There were miles and miles of trains, 2 engines in front, 2 in the back.
At 1430, the temp was already 99 degrees, so I stopped at Holiday Inn in Douglas WY. I got a pool side room and internet access. It was kind of a short day but it makes up for the heat I had to deal with yesterday!

Day 1. Home to Box Elder SD

I left home 7/23 at 0830. It was cloudy and a muggy 76 degrees. By the time I was at the SD border it was 99. The temp just kept climbing. It topped out at 108!!!. It was 104-106 most of the way across I-90. I made 3 stops for gas, and a stop at every wayside rest area to wet down the cooling vest and neck cooler. I drank a gallon and a half of water and powerade between 0830 and 1900. I drove 600.4 miles and the FJR averaged 47 MPG.
I stopped in Box Elder, and spent the night at Lee and Gabi's place. It was a long, hot freakin' day!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Counting Down....

Oil's been changed. On-board coolers installed. Last of supplies purchased. Lawn mowed. Garage cleaned.
Pack on Sunday. Fill the gas tank. Leave on Monday!!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday 7-19

I have only a few days left to get ready. I still have to change oil, run the drinking tubes for the on-board drink coolers, pack, and load up. I have a few things to do around the house before I go too like, cut the grass, put away a few tools, and move the cars around so Nancy can use the garage...
I have planned out a few places I really want to see, but most of the trip is not on any kind of a schedule. I plan to be in Park City, UT noonish on Thursday the 26th. I'll be there untill Sunday a.m. After that, I'd really like to go west and drive across Hwy. 50 in Nevada. I hope to be in Belle Fourche, SD by 8-4 or even 8-5, where I'll meet up with a great bunch of guys that I've been to the Sturgis rally with for the last 8 years.
Last year's trip didn't go so well. I hit an antelope 30 miles from Sturgis and spent the rest of my 3 week vacation at home. Sore and black & blue. I wasn't wearing my helmet, but I did have my jacket on. I have since become a believer in ATGATT, All The Gear All The Time.
I did get some satisfaction from it. 6 weeks later, on my trip back home from Rapid City, where picked up my repaired Goldwing, I found the crash site and the remains of the antelope. I hung the remains of the hide on a near by fence, and brought a few of the sun bleached bones home. I also bought the FJR so I could still ride, and not have to wait for the insurance company to fix my Goldwing. Now I have 2 bikes, the FJR for when it's just me, and the Goldwing when Nancy wants to come along.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Getting ready

I spent some time on Sunday learning about my new computer. I also did some more work on the bike. I installed a set of Morocycle Larry bar risers to move the bars up and back a bit. I also installed a Comagination brand headlight modulator. Both items went on without any problems. I put new tires on last week. I still need to change the engine and final drive oils on the FJR sometime this week.
I have started to lay out the items I plan to take with, it seems like the pile keeps growing. I'll be staying at motels and tent camping on this trip. This year, I won't have the luxury of riding the Goldwing and pulling a trailer behind me. Last year, I had WAY TOO much crap with me. When Nancy came out to pick me up after my accident, my CRAP almost filled the back of her car. I'm a bit of a cronic over packer. I've got to pack lighter this trip. It's been said about motorcycle touring, "put all the stuff you want to bring in one pile, and all the money you plan to spend in another." "Then get rid of half the stuff you want to bring, and bring twice as much money." I think that's good advice.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Setting up my new blog!

I am planning to take a 3 week motorcycle road trip. I'll be attending my first WFO, aka, the Western FJR Owners gathering #6, in Park City, UT. I'll also make my 9th visit to Sturgis S.D. for the rally durring this trip. The start of this trip is just a week away! I'll be riding my 2006 Yamaha FJR1300. Today, I bought a notebook computer so I can document my up coming road trip on this blog.