Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 2. Box Elder SD to Douglas WY

I left Lee and Gabi's at about 0730. I drove into Rapid City and filled my 2 coolers with ice and water. Took 90 to Stugis. I got off the hwy at exit 34 and drove through Sturgis. Then back onto 90 to Spearfish. I took the Spearfish Canyon down to Cheyenne Crossing then 85 to Newcastle WY.

A picture from the SD-WY line.

I took 450 out of Newcastle to 59 to Douglas. There's a huge open pit coal mine along the road, operated by the Thunder Basin Coal Company. I could see the tops of the booms of at least 3 huge drag lines or shovels sticking out above of the pits. There were miles and miles of trains, 2 engines in front, 2 in the back.
At 1430, the temp was already 99 degrees, so I stopped at Holiday Inn in Douglas WY. I got a pool side room and internet access. It was kind of a short day but it makes up for the heat I had to deal with yesterday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you wily dog you. Oh I'll just keep this on the DL. Don't tell my friends or nothing. What a great idea. Wish I had thought of doing this. See you in Sturgis.
31st year